WWE SummerSlam 2017: 10 Early Predictions

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6. The Hardy Boyz Become the Next Tag Team to Break Up

Upon their return to the WWE at WrestleMania 33, The Hardy Boyz set the tag team division on fire. They won the Raw Tag Team Championships that night, in what was one of the most exciting moments of the event.

Since then, they have substantially cooled off.

Sheamus and Cesaro sit firmly atop the division after beating Team Extreme at Extreme Rules for the Raw Tag Team Championships. What is left for them to do now? With WWE’s recent love affair of breaking up tag teams, I would say that a break up is in the very near future for The Hardy Boyz.

Though the WWE universe is still 100% percent behind The Hardys, it’s not difficult to imagine why the WWE would want to break up this iconic duo. Before his departure from the WWE in 2009, Jeff Hardy was a legitimate main event superstar, having won the WWE Championship once and the Heavyweight Championship twice. Matt Hardy has also shown he can excel as a main-eventer.

WWE doesn’t want to waste this kind of star power on a long, drawn out run as a tag team. Though there’s no end in sight for the legal trouble surrounding the Broken gimmick, Matt Hardy could easily slip back into the character when it’s available and become a very strong mid-card draw. With Jeff once again donning the moniker of Charismatic Enigma.

Unlike other tag team breakups, I suspect this one will be much more amicable.