WWE SummerSlam 2017: 10 Early Predictions

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Credit: WWE.com

4. Big Cass Inserts Himself Into the Intercontinental Title Picture

Big Cass thinks he’s where the money’s at, and at SummerSlam he’ll get a chance to prove that. Personally, I don’t think he has the charisma or move set to thrive long-term as a singles competitor. But it’s obvious that the WWE thinks differently.

The writing has been on the wall since Day 1. When Enzo was out of action due to a legitimate concussion, Cass was routinely seen in the main event. He was even part of a multi-man match for the vacated WWE Universal Title.

With a crowded main event scene, the first logical step is for Big Cass to establish himself as a top guy in the mid-card. A win over Dean Ambrose at SummerSlam would put him in the driver’s seat towards the Intercontinental title picture. This would give Slater (who I predict will be the champion by the night’s end) a nice feud and Cass a way to get even more heat.

On the other hand, WWE has been known to fast-track superstars to exactly where they feel the competitor belongs.