WWE NXT Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for July 12

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Aleister Black vs Bobby Fish

Result: Black def. Fish via Black Mass

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

This may have been the highlight of the night. A debuting Bobby Fish faced off against Aleister Black in what was a very technical matchup. For those that don’t know, Bobby Fish is a former ROH star who was a three-time ROH Tag Team Champion and has captured the ROH Television Title once. Having not ready any spoilers I was very surprised and excited to see the 37-year-old vet make his debut.

The match was a technical affair, with some great mat wrestling to open it up. Black, at first, seemed taken completely aback with the ring prowess of the savvy vet. Early on Fish was able to get the better of Black. However, Black quickly snuffed out any chance of an upset victory with a running knee followed by a Black Mass.

Honestly, I think Aleister Black is being groomed to become NXT Champion. And if he’s not, what’s the point? Bobby Fish, on the other hand, will have to find his way in NXT. It’ll be interesting to see if they change up his character or gimmick at all for NXT.

Ongoing Hideo Itami & Kassius Ohno Tensions

We see a recap of how last week’s match between Hideo Itami & Kassius Ohno versus SAnitY match played out. After Kassius is taken out by Killian Dain, Itami takes the pin and the loss for his team.

Afterward, backstage, Itami continues to vent his frustration about his recent losing streak and blames the loss entirely on Ohno. Ohno responds by saying that Itami has been dodging responsibility for his own failures ever since NXT Takeover: Chicago. The Knockout Artist then goes on to say he doesn’t just talk, he takes action.

Eventually this will culminate in a feud, though I don’t know enough about their history together, I have no doubt they will put on a decent match.

(Attempted) Interview with The Velveteen Dream

Outside of the arena last week, Interview Robot Model No. 7649 attempted to interview The Velveteen Dream as he exited the arena. Before a single question could be asked, Dream interrupts and says this isn’t the time or the setting for an interview, and that he isn’t like other superstars.

I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating, The Velveteen Dream, or more specifically, Patrick Clarke is going to be a star.