WWE Battleground 2017: 5 Better Uses of John Cena Than a Flag Match

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Photo credit WWE.com

4. Mojo Rawley

We all have that one friend that can’t seem to stop meddling in our lives. For Zack Ryder, it’s Cena. Hey, a lot has happened since 2012. We’ve all grown and changed and become better people, and Cena always wants to prove it.

Fresh off of a divorce from his tag team partner Mojo Rawley, one that we all know is coming, Ryder probably would prefer to just be left alone. Send in Cena. WWE could give Ryder a worked injury, maybe just a tweak of his recently repaired knee, enough to get him off of this pay-per-view. In his place, Cena takes on Rawley in an act of loyalty to his old buddy. Sure, WWE will probably play some sort of wheelchair bit for laughs, but that doesn’t mean this can’t actually be a worthwhile match.

Assuming Rawley is the one to turn on Ryder, this will be the first we see of him as a heel. Some people take to it immediately, Alexa Bliss, for example, others need time to sharpen those skills. Cena is one of the best talkers in the company and Rawley could benefit from sparring with him on the mic. It might be a tongue and check match, but Cena’s great and tongue and cheek and Rawley can springboard off of it.