WWE Battleground 2017: 5 Better Uses of John Cena Than a Flag Match

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Baron Corbin

3. Baron Corbin

Why should Baron Corbin fight Cena at SummerSlam? Because…Baron Corbin. Actually, he’s one of the best heels that SmackDown has right now and as Mr. Money in the Bank, he needs some big wins before he takes on the WWE Champion. Cena again acts as a gatekeeper but this time because Corbin’s hubris needs to be checked. Taking guys like Corbin down a peg is one of Cena’s few joys in life.

Only, he won’t be taking Corbin down a peg. Corbin needs a win, Cena doesn’t. The briefcase hasn’t been credible for a couple of years now. Not for lack of great briefcase holders, but since Seth Rollin’s cowardly heel act, the strength of them has been questionable. Sheamus was so widely hated that he never did much with it and Ambrose cashed in same night before any story grew out of it. Corbin needs the chance to prove that he is the toughest guy in the company and deserves to be carrying the biggest prize. Taking down Cena through his dastardly means will help him elevate himself and the briefcase all at once.