WWE Battleground 2017: 5 Better Uses of John Cena Than a Flag Match

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1. AJ Styles for the WWE US Championship

Given how robust the main event scene is, Cena is best used in the upper-mid-card. AJ Styles shocked when he won the US Championship off of Kevin Owens in a house show at Madison Square Garden. It further added to the credibility of the United States Championship, and no offense to Jinder Mahal, but it’s the most vied for the title on the show right now. That gives it value.

What if Kevin Owens is off the Battleground card? If that’s the case, they will likely have their rematch sometime in the next week or so on SmackDown. Then WWE will look for a number one contender. This is an opportunity for Cena to step into that spot and continue to elevate the belt.

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Does Cena need another title run? No, not really. Does Styles need to beat Cena once again? Probably not either. However, their match will be spectacular. Last time we saw this matchup, Styles was a heel. It was also for a different championship belt. While it’s not the highest in the company, the US title has a special place in Cena’s heart. After all, he single-handedly took it to new heights through the John Cena Open Challenge. The story is simple, he wants to do it again.