WWE Rumors: Are More Photos Leaks on the Way?


WWE supposedly held several meetings with their superstars in the wake of recent photo and video scandals.

As we have detailed before, the age of social media makes it even easier for nefarious characters to invade the personal privacy of celebrities. The WWE has dealt with its own share of these scandals already in 2017 (Charlotte, Paige, etc.) and it seems that more of them may be on the horizon.

According to fightful.com, the WWE held several mandatory meetings with the men and women of the company (to include superstars and announcers) in an effort to protect everyone from these leaks. No specifics were given as to whether or not any particular superstar may be the next victim of this scandal, so these meetings may just be a precaution. Topics that were discussed included how to avoid phishing scams, fake websites that traffic in personal info, etc. The WWE also warned about accepting electronic gifts such as USB drives could be filled with malware designed to steal personal information from the host computer.

"“I don’t care if Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie give it to you, it’s not safe.”"

The WWE also stressed the importance of restricting access to personal social media accounts. Recommendations such as keeping passwords secret and varied were also stressed, something to which anyone who works in the corporate world can relate. The WWE has also created their own “moral conduct” policy concerning social media but as is often the case, signing such a policy is usually voluntary. Even the WWE would have trouble navigating the legal waters of controlling the personal social media of its employees.

Such meetings are commonplace with any company that employs a great number of millennials. The average age of the RAW roster is 34, while the average of the Smackdown roster is 32. This means that the vast majority of the employees are tech savvy and have grown up around social media.

Related Story: WWE: Privacy in the Age of Social Media

History dictates that these incidents are inevitable and fans can only hope that the superstars took at least some of these precautions to heart.