WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for July 17

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Source: WWE.com

The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) vs. The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder)

Result: The Revival defeated The Hardy Boyz via pinfall

Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

This match is in direct response to The Revival attacking Matt and Jeff last week, after the Hardys lost to Gallows and Anderson. The Good Brothers – Gallows/Anderson, not the Hardys (they’re the Broken-ish Brothers) – are shown backstage watching the match.

I’ll be honest, I was a little bummed out about the Angle/Jordan segment when this one started. But by the time the finish rolled around, I was back on track, because this match was good.

The best thing about The Revival has always been – and will always be – their amazing teamwork. Dash and Dawson somehow prove that 2+2=5, because the sum of their teamwork is definitely greater than the individual parts. Their knowledge of what makes great tag team wrestling is astounding, and they are so good at it.

How long did they manage to keep Matt isolated and prevent a tag to Jeff? And all they did was reposition themselves. There was absolutely nothing fancy about it – it was just smart wrestling. Blind tags, quick in and out – those are the things that make a great team.

It may sound crazy, but I think Dash and Dawson have better chemistry than the Hardys, despite Matt and Jeff literally sharing the same genes. The finish was perfect for the match, too – The Revival hung with a legendary team the whole time, and took one teeny little shortcut at the end to come away with a win. It leaves the door open for a rematch, but still shows The Revival are among the best teams out there.

Samoa Joe Is Confident

I mean, why shouldn’t he be?