WWE Battleground 2017: Match Order Predictions

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Flag Match
John Cena vs. Rusev

I was tempted to go with Breezango and their storyline next or even the United States Championship Match, but I don’t see the WWE going with back-to-back tag team matches or putting a non-title match after a title match that features Kevin Owens and A.J. Styles.

While this match does have a, uh, unique stipulation and Cena is a part of it, the gimmick is kind of old now.

This whole feud started when Cena returned the blue brand on the Fourth of July and this match was set, but it’s kind of old at this point.

It’s a bummer for Rusev to come back and have to put Cena over, but that’s likely what will happen here.

Oh, for those that did not watch the go-home Smackdown! Live show this past Tuesday, to win the Flag Match, the superstar needs to grab the flag in which they are representing (Cena – USA; Rusev – Bulgaria) and run it to the top of the entrance ramp and plant it in the holder to be announced as the winner.

This match would have had more steam if Battleground where on the actual Fourth of July or the weekend directly after.