WWE SmackDown: Is There a New Tag Team?


Are we witnessing the return of a tag team on SmackDown Live? Who is behind the attacks on Breezango?

WWE SmackDown Live could be witnessing the return or rebirth of one of the tag teams. While this is still a thought in my head as I write this, the signs point towards an inevitable return of a tag team. A team that is bound to wreak havoc throughout the tag division on SmackDown Live. The team that used to be known as the Wyatt Family could potentially be making a return based on signs and assumptions.

For one, despite being an incredibly talented wrestler, Luke Harper has found little to no success as a singles star. His Wyatt Family Brother, Erick Rowan has had two mediocre singles runs and a couple of unexplained turns throughout his singles tenure. It goes without saying creative could make better use of these two as a tag team. They could be presented as a monster duo, a formidable duo to oppose the newly crowned tag champions, the New Day.

Moreover, the blue brand has recently lost one half of one of its elite tag teams. After becoming Kurt Angle’s storyline son, Jason Jordan has moved to Raw. This has left a void in the tag division and has torn apart American Alpha across the brands. As such, the already weak tag division on SmackDown Live would need someone to replace the team they’ve lost.

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Considering both Harper and Rowan are on SmackDown and neither are in line for a title shot, this could be an ideal time to bring their tag team back. While it’s true that the Wyatt Family would never be complete without Bray Wyatt, Harper and Rowan could still make it big in the tag division. For one, there are essentially no credible heels in the division, apart from the Usos. Ascension is a mere shadow of their NXT self. The Colons are nothing but a joke. Hence, Harper and Rowan could thrive in this spot.

It could also be possible that they could be behind the attacks on Breezango. For weeks, Breezango have been under attacks from a mysterious attacker(s). Their office has been thrashed more than once. A couple of weeks back, Fandango’s toy horse was stolen and a severed head was passed on to them. The secret appeared to have revealed itself at Battleground. However, that would only remain as a tease as WWE released this video on Twitter.

The segments ended in a rather dark tone as opposed to previous episodes of the Fashion Files. Could it be that Harper and Rowan are on the hunt and have begun by targeting the massively popular babyface duo? We would have our answers soon in the coming weeks. However, it was the former Wyatt Family members indeed, SmackDown could have one more interesting feud on its card. Moreover, Harper and Rowan could begin their journey towards redemption once more.

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Who do you think is behind the attack on Breezango? Do you think Harper and Rowan would return to the tag division on SmackDown Live? Would they have a shot at the titles and some reasonable booking with this move? Share your thoughts in the comments section.