5 WWE Superstars Who Deserve a Title Shot

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3. Tye Dillinger

It was rumored going into this year’s Royal Rumble event that “The Perfect Ten” Tye Dillinger would be making his entrance at number ten. When the time came, and his music hit the fans in the Alamo Dome erupted.

Now a relative new comer to Smackdown Live, Tye has been missing from WWE programming until recently when he entered a feud with Aiden English. It’s nice to see Dillinger get screen time, and hopefully, we see more of him.

Hopefully, Dillinger wins the feud against English and can move on to bigger and better things. his mid-card run is ways off still, but he could easily be challenging for the U.S. Title by WrestleMania 34, if WWE builds him correctly.

Dillinger is the reason for the ten chants at every WWE event. You know that chant the fans would do every time someone was being counted out. The chant was WWE fans way of letting the decision makers know, that we were ready for Tye to make his main roster debut. Dillinger was insanely over then, and he still is now. I’m just happy that since he’s made his debut, the chant has died down a little bit.