5 WWE Superstars Who Deserve a Title Shot

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2. Heath Slater

Heath Slater has always been the guy on the outside looking in. He’s the goofy guy that just reminds you of your cousin who tries too hard to be funny but isn’t. When WWE allows Slater to be serious though, he shines. The WWE Universe has always been behind Slater, whether he was a heel or baby face.

He’s great on the mic, and never disappoints in the ring. Aside from his Intercontinental title shot, featured above, Slater has never been given the opportunity at a singles title. Hopefully, once Jordan beats The Miz, and Miz moves on to the top of the card, Slater can get in a feud with Jordan.

Slater is a veteran and could be the next best guy for Jordan to work with in WWE. No doubt Jordan will learn from Slater, and could easily put on great matches with him. It’ll just be up to WWE to pull the trigger on the two.

Once WWE puts the title on Jordan though, they likely won’t take the belt off him anytime soon. Still, though, a feud between these two could be one of the best of the year for WWE.