WWE: 4 Ways to Repackage Dolph Ziggler

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2. Ziggler Could Form a Heel Stable

Ziggler is equally capable of being a babyface or a heel, but, for the most part, it seems like a heel character would be more compelling for him at this stage of his career. Babyfaces need wins more than heels, and while Ziggler needs more wins than his current trajectory no matter the qualifications, at least he could get his heat back after a loss by doing something awesome. In the WWE’s current climate, heels are usually the only wrestlers who are allowed to start badass beatdowns.

Having Ziggler lead a heel stable could be a great way for him to work with younger talent and elevate them. We have SAnitY as a stable in NXT that wreaks havoc, so there probably isn’t a chance for another stable to form.

So why not let Ziggler do this on the main roster on either Raw or SmackDown?  Ziggler could either lead a stable of grizzled veterans who just want to beat the crap out of everyone they see, or he could lead a stable of young wrestlers after corrupting them with his cynical views of the company and the wrestling business. Work-shoot promos are by far the most effective segments in wrestling today (oh, hello there Miz!), and a stable like this could be a gold-mine for them. Ziggler has already blurred kayfabe this year a few times on his amusing Talking Smack appearances and his remark in London about WWE censoring crowd noise.

Plus, by leading a stable, Ziggler could be taken seriously and generate heat without holding a title. Instead, other members, preferably somebody with more of a future in the company, could hold a championship. And with the sad state of the depth of tag team divisions on either brand, they could even hold a tag title.

Ever since The Wyatt Family disbanded, we haven’t seen a good heel stable on the main roster. And no, “The Welcoming Committee” doesn’t count, because the WWE completely botched that once-intriguing storyline pretty early on. If they create a stable around Ziggler, here’s to hoping they won’t do the same. But they probably will. Because if there’s one thing you can expect from the WWE, it’s to cut the legs from underneath Ziggler.