WWE SummerSlam 2017: Best Outcome for Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose will come together at SummerSlam on Sunday to take on Sheamus and Cesaro for the Raw Tag Team Championships.

Most wrestling fans could tell you where they were the day that Seth Rollins stabbed his Shield brothers in the back. Since their untimely breakup, Shield fans have wanted nothing more than for them to get back together. After three years, it seems like it is finally happening, at least for two out of three. Dean Ambrose accepted Seth Rollins’ apology Monday night, following a little shoving match, and the two will take on Sheamus and Cesaro at SummerSlam. The Raw Tag Team titles are on the line, so they’re going to have to work together. It seems pretty apparent the former Shield brothers will win, but what’s the long game here?

Ambrose and Rollins are only going to be Tag Team Champions for the sake of the storyline between the two of them. They’re both important main event singles guys and won’t be out of that picture for too long. Their reign shouldn’t be about feuds with Sheamus and Cesaro or the Club. It should be about their relationship with each other. The build for Sunday’s match was all about whether Ambrose would trust Rollins again. Even though they’ve supposedly made up, that has no business going anywhere else. They should only hold the titles long enough to tell that story and drop them in dramatic fashion due to an inability to work together.

As Tag Team Champions, Ambrose and Rollins must teeter on the edge of being dysfunctional. They should swing back and forth between trusting each other or not. It should only take the slightest transgression to set off Ambrose and make him question Rollins’ motives. And Rollins should continue being frustrated that Ambrose can’t let the past go. Everyone loves a good dysfunctional tag team, just look at Team Hell No. This, however, isn’t just a dysfunctional tag team, it’s former brothers learning to be a team again. The fact that deep down, they truly care about the other is endearing and makes the crowd want to root for them outside of the fact that they’re the Shield.

Speaking of the Shield, there’s one person who needs to stay out of this, and that’s Roman Reigns. Sure, we will one day see the reunion of the whole Shield. The Shield Triple Threat is a WrestleMania main event waiting to happen. But right now, Reigns is doing just fine by himself. His feud with Bruan Strowman is some of his best work to date and will surely be one that defines his career. He’s the only one out of the three in the main event picture for the moment and he’s rumored to have John Cena at WrestleMania 34.

Why would he get involved in this? He’s also never cared about what happened between the three of them. When they first broke up, Ambrose and Rollins were the one to feud, Reigns didn’t give a damn. That was the right move for his character. Aloof and nonchalant works for him.

Without Reigns in the picture, it’s all about the rivalry of Ambrose and Rollins. This needs to end with them fighting each other. Not necessarily because Ambrose turns heel or because they can’t learn to work together. They have unfinished business and it’s holding both of them back. The only way to put the past behind them is to fight one last time and settle it. Rollins can admit that he understands how deeply he hurt Ambrose and that the only way to fix it is in that ring.

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Ambrose also came up short in their last feud, so this is a chance to even out the scorecard. Picking up a victory against Rollins would be a fantastic way to start a push for him. To leave the door open just a little bit, Ambrose could accuse Rollins, in passing of letting him win. Rollins denies it but there is a chance they’ll meet again to know for sure. It’s one of the best rivalries of this era of wrestling, let them fight forever.