WWE SummerSlam 2017: 7 Things You Didn’t See

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1. Brock’s Win is Fine

SummerSlam was pretty good about getting everything onto the broadcast, there wasn’t a whole lot that fit this list. You all saw Cesaro rip up the beach ball, though I think it was way better in person, and John Cena horsing around before his match. But I don’t know if TV could possibly get across the feeling of walking out of the arena Sunday night. I’m sure you saw how much the main event, the Fatal Fourway between the toughest guys on the roster, had Brooklyn on our feet. Bruan Strowman was especially over, using every single thing at his disposal to take down Brock Lesnar. Five minutes in, he had convinced us that he deserved to win and we were fully behind him.

Then Lesnar got stretchered away and we all sort of knew what was coming. Of course, Lesnar returned and took the fight to Strowman, Samoa Joe, and lastly Roman Reigns, pinning him after an F5. Were they expecting a chorus of boos or massive cheers? Instead, we all said “Right, okay,” and we trickled out of the arena. It was such a stark comparison to the night before, where you couldn’t go two minutes without someone shouting “ADAM COLE BAYBAY.”

More wwe: WWE SummerSlam's Greatest Performers

That joy is part of what makes wrestling so special and while I’m certainly not suggesting they make booking decisions based on crowd reaction, it was an underwhelming note to end on. It deflated the crowd, not because we were necessarily unhappy but because we weren’t particularly happy either. If Reigns had won, the place would’ve turned into a battlefield of “Let’s go Roman” and ”Roman sucks.” If Joe had snuck in and stole the victory from Strowman, or if Strowman had pulled it off, we would’ve gone insane. But Lesnar yet again retaining, we all just shrugged our shoulders. It was fine.