WWE WrestleMania 33: WWE Title Should Have Been Defended in Triple Threat


With WrestleMania 33 occurring more than 4 months ago, it is a good time to look back and see how the WWE Championship match could have become a better match.

At WrestleMania 33, we saw the WWE Championship defended in one of the worst match ups on the card. Randy Orton ended up defeating Bray Wyatt for the WWE Championship in an incredibly lackluster match.

The match had projections of bugs and other weird stuff on the ring that the crowd just was not into. This hokey pokey nonsense continued into their House of Horrors rematch, which was one of the biggest busts of a stipulation in memory.

The whole Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt feud was just seen as a complete failure, and the sad thing was that it could have been avoided. This could have been done by injecting Luke Harper into the matchup to make it a triple threat for the WWE Championship.

Instead, Luke Harper was tossed into the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, and he has done nothing of not after WrestleMania 33, either.

While Luke Harper may be forgotten about on today’s SmackDown Live roster, he was actually one of the most over faces on the brand before WrestleMania. This was because he had broken away from the New Wyatt Family and was really coming into his own as a performer.

When Randy Orton announced that he would remain loyal to Bray and would not challenge him at WrestleMania, a new No. 1 contender needed to be determined. AJ Styles and Luke Harper tied and then had a one on one match for that position at WrestleMania.

Instead of having AJ Styles win, Randy Orton turn on Bray and announce that he will be facing him at Mania, then have Orton defeat Styles, and have Orton face Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 33, WWE should have taken a different route.

If Luke Harper, the enemy of both Wyatt and Orton at the time, were to win the No. 1 contendership for Bray Wyatt’s WWE Championship, it would have given Orton a reasonable explanation for reinstating his No. 1 contendership from winning the Royal Rumble.

Orton could do this in order to protect his “savior” and brother, Bray Wyatt, at WrestleMania. This would make for an incredibly interesting dynamic at WrestleMania.

Bray Wyatt would be even more hated as a heel for using Orton as protection, Orton could tease turning on Bray, and Luke Harper, as the incredibly over babyface, could attempt to build a wedge in between his former “brothers”.

this would lead to a far more interesting match, where anything could have happened. Bray Wyatt could have retained with the help of Randy Orton and could progress that storyline, Randy Orton could turn on Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania and create a shocking moment and win, or Luke Harper could overcome the insurmountable odds and win the WWE Championship in a heartfelt moment that people thought may never happen.

Instead, we got the boring and confusing feud of Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt, which led to an uninspiring WWE Championship run by Orton, Bray Wyatt jobbing to RAW‘s top stars, and the end of creative plans for Luke Harper.

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Do you think the WWE Championship should have been defended in a triple threat match at WrestleMania 33?