WWE: Braun Strowman’s Two-Year Anniversary

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Braun Strowman, Source: WWE.com

On Aug. 24, WWE’s official Twitter account celebrated the two-year anniversary of Braun Strowman’s debut. Now seems like as good a time as ever for Strowman superfans to unite and review his rise to the top.

We’ve all fallen down a YouTube rabbit hole. You start with a local news story, pass through a couple of bridal party wedding dance videos and end up on a telescope repair tutorial. You don’t even own a telescope. Close the browser.

Rabbit holes of the wrestling variety are a special recipe and there’s nothing better. Looking back on a sports entertainer’s career can be a sobering adventure, reminding us of low-points and serving as a reality check on their journey from where they started to where they ended up.

These types of deep dives are normally reserved for performers with a certain historical significance; do yourself a favour and travel down that road with a Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes or “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and thank me later. That being said, nothing is normal when it comes to Braun Strowman.

In just over two years, Strowman has quickly become one of the hottest things in wrestling. Look no further than the anticipation for his upcoming No Mercy match with Brock Lesnar for proof. The guy is as over as over gets, as his combination of power, physical presence, natural charisma and raw intensity have shot him to the top of WWE.

Is he the next Hulk Hogan? The Hulkster himself seems to think so:

My first idea was to suggest that a commemorative statue be built in honour of Strowman’s past two years in the company. Excessive? Perhaps. If there’s one thing we’re sure of, it’s that statues in wrestling inevitably end up destroyed.

In lieu of idolatry, let’s look back on Strowman’s tenure in WWE so far and look forward to what may be in store for him in the future.