WWE: Top 5 Superstars of the Week

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4. Tye Dillinger

Another superstar who had a terrific performance despite missing out on a win was The Perfect Ten. Dillinger went up against Baron Corbin on SmackDown Live  this week. This one was a grudge match. It came about after Corbin had assaulted Tye after the latter’s match against AJ Styles the week before.

There are a lot of things Baron Corbin is known for. He’s strong, powerful, and ruthless in the ring. Lately, he’s shown he’s outspoken. But one thing he has never really proven is an ability to carry a great match. The best Baron Corbin matches are those where his opponent carries things.

Enter Tye Dillinger. The journeyman competitor had one of his best matches in WWE, showing off a wide variety of skill. Mainly, he was able to make Corbin look truly impressive. Because Tye kept fighting, The Lone Wolf had to resort to a cheap shot just to pick up a victory.

The aftermath of the match really proved how good a performance Dillinger had. Backstage, AJ Styles came up to him – having watched the match at the commentary table. Styles told Tye that the next US Title Open Challenge wasn’t open at all. It was being reserved specifically for The Perfect Ten. Not bad for a guy who took more than ten years to make it to WWE, huh?