WWE: Top 5 Superstars of the Week (Sept. 11-15)

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With another week of WWE television behind us, here’s the top 5 performances of the week.

WWE offers up plenty of programming over the course of a week. Even when there’s no pay per view, there’s at least seven hours of original programming. With Raw and SmackDown Live on USA, plus 205 Live and NXT on the WWE Network, it’s a lot to focus on at times.

But for those of us who can make it through the marathon, there’s usually quite a bit to keep our interest. Regardless of what some people say about the quality of programming, as far as in-ring talent goes this is one of the golden periods for WWE. Sure, storylines may be stale, boring, and ridiculous – even nonsensical – but the matches themselves are rarely terrible across the board.

To try and keep track of who stood out on a week to week basis, here at Daily DDT we’ll be taking a look at the top five performers in a given week. Since WWE is a wrestling company (despite what Vince McMahon may try and tell us), we’re going to focus on wrestling performances.

5. Jack Gallagher

To be completely honest, just about the entire 205 Live roster had a great showing this week. Rich Swann and TJP had a nifty little match on 205 Live. Drew Gulak got through some more of his PowerPoint presentation before being questioned by the Fashion Police. But Gallagher takes the cake this week.

On 205 Live, The Brian Kendrick squared off against Cedric Alexander in the main event. As the match drew near its conclusion, “Gentleman” Jack’s theme music played as he hurried to the ring. Kendrick looked to arm himself with the ring bell, but Gallagher shocked everyone by attacking Alexander.

The potential alliance between Gallagher and Kendrick – bitter rivals for the past several weeks – is a great move for everyone. A less cartoony, more brutal Gentleman Jack could be a boon to the cruiserweight division. If Kendrick is confused at to what’s going on, he can play that up really well, too. And Alexander gets another superstar to feud with – and Gallagher/Cedric could be a great rivalry over the next few weeks.