WWE: Top 5 Superstars of the Week (Sept. 11-15)

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1. The Miz

Looking back at Raw this week, I realized something: no one really stood out as a top performer from an in-ring standpoint. Every superstar who competed Monday night kind of fell into the same category of “unspectacular but sufficient” ring work.

I could have gone with Roman Reigns or Jason Jordan, who had possibly the best match of the night to open the show. Or I could have gone with Braun Strowman, who just continues to be a must see attraction every single week. But instead, I chose The Miz, and for a very simple reason.

On Raw, Miz ended up in an impromptu match with Enzo Amore. Leaving aside that we’re finally allowing cruiserweights to interact with the main roster, it provided a chance for two of WWE’s top talkers to clash. But, because talking is such a strong point for both Miz and Enzo, the decision to have them do a promo battle mid match was genius.

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It may not have been the best match of the night from a technical standpoint. But Enzo and The Miz did a better job of story telling during their match than most superstars ever do in this day and age. Yeah, they literally used words to do it, but who cares? Promos in matches are rare and much welcomed, and I’ll look for any reason to give props to The Miz that I can find.