WWE: Is Enzo Amore Helping 205 Live?


Enzo Amore used to be in a tag team with Big Cass on Monday Night Raw, but has his move to 205 Live allowed him to benefit the Cruiserweight Division?

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Enzo Amore’s tenure as a member of the 205 Live roster is nearly a month old.  It was on Aug. 22, that he made his debut as a cruiserweight.  Unfortunately for Enzo, and more importantly the Cruiserweight Division, he hasn’t really made a major difference.  Now that’s not to say he hasn’t been a fun addition to the roster that has been recycled and reused in feuds since its inception.  But with a character, that when he made his main roster debut with Big Cass was on top of the world, it feels like a fall from grace.

Amore brings something to 205 Live that the brand has been in dire need of, and that is someone with a larger than life persona.  You listen when he talks.  Granted you may not quite understand what he’s saying, but you’re listening.  Amore still gets a strong reaction from the crowd. and that is something that he can offer the Cruiserweight Division.  He can the attention of fans that may normally tune out a cruiserweight match on Raw or pass on 205 Live.  Enzo is a person the casual crowd is very familiar with and, based on their reactions, still in love with.

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In the grand scheme, though, what does Amore bring to the table?  He gets the big pop from the crowd, he gets the sing-along with his promos, but then what?  From bell to bell, Enzo isn’t known for his in-ring work.  That was the beauty of his pairing with Cass.  Enzo would get the crowd riled up, then take the beating, get that lightning hot tag to Cass and the big man would clean up.  Now that Enzo doesn’t have that security blanket, it’s only him in there.

So this brings us back to the original question. Is Enzo Amore helping the 205 Live brand?  In the larger picture, it seems that he is.  His name recognition, his out of this world charisma, and overwhelming personality are huge additions to the program.  Amore will be going toe to toe with solid ring technicians such as Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander, and last, but not least, Neville.  I believe getting to work with other guys his size can give Amore a true opportunity to show what he can do in the ring.  

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Over time, the fun of Enzo being on the show may wane, but for the meantime, he is breathing life into the division.  He is bringing eyes to the 205 Live roster that they have been craving since the Cruiserweight Classic.  Hopefully, Enzo can find a home and a place to lay his head.  Hopefully 205 Live is the arena within which we truly get to meet Enzo Amore.