WWE WrestleMania 34: 5 Potential Opponents For Conor McGregor

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Credit: WWE.com

3. The Rock

Only in the crazy world of professional wrestling could we hear about one of the world’s most famous actors taking on one of the world’s most famous athletes in a fight, and the reality is that there is actually a chance this could happen.

As many know, before Dwayne Johnson was a stud in Hollywood, he was The Rock, one of WWE’s most popular and talented Superstars. Even though he committed himself to the acting lifestyle, he would still show up to WWE every now and then to boost ratings for big shows like the Royal Rumble or WrestleMania.

Last WrestleMania, however, The Rock never showed up. In fact, The Rock’s last appearance on WWE television was when he defeated Erik Rowan in an impromptu match at WrestleMania 32. So, perhaps The Rock is looking to come back in a big way after missing so much time.

Money would certainly not be an issue here for The Rock or McGregor, because both are such huge names that they would surely see big pay days for their work. Timing would probably be the biggest concern for The Rock due to his nonstop work with new projects in Hollywood.

WrestleMania is usually where WWE attempts to pull names from the past and grab people who have mainstream appeal in an effort to boost ratings and broaden their viewing audience. A match between The Rock and McGregor would surely put butts of all kinds in seats and in front of TV sets in April.