WWE WrestleMania 34: 5 Potential Opponents For Conor McGregor

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2. John Cena

John Cena’s recent loss to Roman Reigns indicated that Cena is now putting WWE on the back-burner while he focuses on his career in Hollywood, but one thing we can be sure of is that Cena will definitely be around for WrestleMania season.

Unlike some of the other top stars in WWE, John Cena has no plans for a match at WrestleMania 34. Some have speculated that it could be Braun Strowman, Samoa Joe, or even Kurt Angle. While all these options sound like they would be great matches, they pale in comparison to a Cena vs. McGregor dream match.

The story for this feud would write itself. John Cena is the face of WWE, and McGregor is the face of UFC. Both men have reasons to be proud of their standing on top, but which one is actually better? Well, that could be decided at WrestleMania 34!

The best part about this, from a business perspective, is that each fighter has mainstream popularity, which is always important when it comes to WrestleMania. Two true icons doing battle on the grandest stage of them all will definitely be best for business.

If both parties agreed to this feud, we would be able to see some incredible promos from two of the best on the mic, and both are in peak physical condition to put on a great match.