GFW Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: Garza Jr. On The Rise

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5. Garza Jr. Rising as a Main Event Player

This is one that I don’t particularly like but it works.  It’s a way of booking that WWE needs to adopt.  Garza Jr. is currently in a tag team with Laredo Kid who is off of television for whatever reason.  GFW Impact Wrestling is taking the time to build Garza Jr. as a singles competitor.  No one knows if Laredo Kid is injured or is just taking time off but unlike WWE, Impact is taking this opportunity to build a singles competitor out of Garza.

I disagree with this booking because it isn’t necessarily logical.  It comes off somewhat random like Jinder Mahal winning the WWE Championship.  Like that situation, there are positives to a situation that otherwise doesn’t make sense.  Garza Jr. has a chance to prove himself more specifically in a number one contender’s match for the Global Championship tonight.  He can now be more than just the guy who rips his pants off in the middle of the match.

The match started fast and furious with two competitors who can turn up the tempo in a hurry.  Neither man had full control of this match in the early going.  Garza Jr. seemed like he knew everything that Impact would do but it didn’t stop Johnny Impact from hitting some of his signature moves.  Garza Jr. had an offensive game plan in mind too but Mundo wins the match.  Jr. was made to look strong though considering that Impact won with a leverage pin.  Eli Drake always finds a way to get over on Johnny Impact even by using Chris Adonis while he is not in the arena.