WWE Bold Predictions: Are There Already Cracks In The Shield?

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The Shield officially reunited last week on Raw. But will the three WWE superstars be a cohesive unit for very long?

One of my favorite pastimes as a WWE fan is to try and guess what’s going to happen in the future. I don’t go out of my way to spoil myself. But trying to get into the heads of the creative department is a good way to kill some time.

This week, Raw heads towards its next exclusive pay per view, TLC. With only four matches announced for the show on Sunday, obviously Team Red will work towards filling the card. And SmackDown Live has a big Hell in a Cell rematch set for this week. But the Blue Team has a lack of challengers for its championships. Something has to happen, right?

Here’s this week’s bold predictions for WWE programming.

The Shield Can’t Really Coexist

Look, everyone was pretty happy when Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose finally, officially got back together last week. Seeing the trio do what made them among WWE’s top superstars once again was a breath of fresh air. And did you hear those cheers for Reigns? Good looks all around.

But let’s be real: despite what WWE would have us believe about this reunion, it’s likely going to be short-lived. While some, like good brother TH over at The Wrestling Blog, think The Shield should be somewhat like The Avengers – unite when needed, but go their separate ways as friends in the interim – it’s probably not going to happen.

So to get us to the end of the road this time, it’s likely that dissension will rear its ugly head, probably as early as this week. With The Hounds of Justice scheduled for a 4-on-3 TLC match on Sunday, one or more of their opponents could provide some sort of impetus to a (second) breakup.

My money would be on The Miz, since he’s the brains of the opposition. But with Reigns taking on Braun Strowman in a steel cage match this week, the catalyst could come from that clash. Even the match at TLC itself could ultimately lead to a disintegration of The Shield.