WWE 2K18 Review: How Does This Year’s Game Stack Up?

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In WWE 2K18, there are 220 total characters in the game (including downloadable content). It’s a record for a WWE game. It’s also such a large roster that it’s shocking that there are still people who were left out (Gulak For a Better

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WWE 2K18!).

Out of those 220, there are seven non-playable managers (but you can select them to accompany you to the ring for your big match). And, some of the actual playable characters are just alternate versions of other characters. Off the top of my head, there’s two different Kurt Angle characters, three different John Cenas, two Finn Balors, and two Cactus Jacks (not two Mick Foleys – two Cactus Jacks, plus Dude Love and Mankind).

Of course, you can use all of those different alternate versions as separate characters. If the share function on the PlayStation 4 wasn’t garbage (or if I knew how to get it to work all the time) I’d share a video from the Angle/Angle vs. Cena/Cena match I did. The possibilities are endless, and you can recreate all sorts of crazy matches with this huge roster. Freebirds vs. New Day? Rock and Roll Express vs. The Bar? Stunning Steve Austin vs. Tatanka? The list goes on.

I’ve been playing the game on and off since Friday, and I haven’t even scratched the surface of the entire roster. It’s going to keep you busy for a long time.

Roster grade: A (would have been an A+ if Gulak made the cut!)