5 WWE Superstars That Should Be Upset With Their Booking

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Sami Zayn

This is the part where I mentally enter the clapping emoji like everyone does on Twitter. There’s so much that could have been done with Sami Zayn whether they wanted the fans to love him or hate him.

Whatever happened to the annoyingly enthusiastic Sami from backstage segments? That was what every fan imagined he is like in real life. It should have been capitalized on. Nerdy or not, it was a trait all fans could connect with because they either laughed at him or were laughing with him, putting themselves in his shoes.

As much as we all enjoy a good Sami Zayn versus Kevin Owens type of match, turning him into a tweener type of heel that will eventually lead to a blow-off match isn’t doing much for his character, other than putting him back into a storyline that WWE booking knows is going to work for filler. What memorable moment has Sami Zayn had in WWE without Kevin Owens? It can even be argued that his NXT title win was a catalyst for the NXT version of ‘Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens’, where, yet again, Owens got the better end of the stick.

If this continues, we can only use one of his best friend’s (Neville) story’s as an example of what may ultimately end up occurring.