WWE TLC 2017: 3 Reasons Why Enzo Should Defeat Kalisto

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He’s got the gift of gab and the the gift of jab, and he should be walking out with his boo, the Cruiserweight Championship at WWE TLC 2017, Sunday night.

Surprisingly, the cruiserweight division has been at the forefront of discussion amongst the WWE Universe. a lot has been happening with the purple brand, and a lot of it is hurting WWE.

The biggest news to come out of 205 Live is that it has lost its king. Frustrated with Enzo being given the spotlight and being unable to advance outside of the restricted cruiserweight division, Neville walked out of Raw and quit WWE.

The creative team, desperate for a replacement, decided to have the scheduled match between Kalisto and Enzo at TLC occur two weeks earlier on the episode of Raw that saw Neville walk. In a surprising move, Kalisto ended up defeating Enzo for the Cruiserweight Championship with a little help from Mustafa Ali.

Despite Neville’s departure from WWE, the cruiserweight division has been thriving as of late with Enzo’s addition. He has drawn eyes to 205 Live and got the cruiserweights the main event segment on Raw a few weeks in a row.

Kalisto has also done his part in filling the void that Neville left behind. Kalisto, the master of lucha things, is a familiar face that fans are already invested in and is also one of the best in ring talents that WWE has to offer. He may even be able to drag a good match out of Muscles Marinara at TLC.

Arguments can be made for and against each wrestler walking out of TLC as Cruiserweight Champion, but the obvious choice is to make the Cruiserweight Champion the Realest Champ in the Room.