WWE Survivor Series 2017: 3 Reasons For The Brands To Wage War
By Tom Thomas
2. Number Thirty Spot in the Royal Rumble Match
If you are a superstar from either Raw or SmackDown, and you’ve just entered the Royal Rumble match, which position would you want to go in? Nobody in their right minds would pick the Number one spot. In fact, arguably nobody would want to enter themselves as one among the first fifteen entrants. If we take it even further, any sane superstar would want to enter at Number Thirty spot.
That spot puts you at a distinct advantage. While most of the other superstars are tired from battling it out, you get to enter fresh as a Cucumber. Although, statistically the number twenty-seven spot has produced the most winners, everybody envies the number thirty spot. Creative can have a stipulation that the number thirty entry spot in this year’s Royal Rumble match would be guaranteed to a superstar from the winning brand.
The GM can then conduct a tournament among the wrestlers who competed for his brand to determine who gets the advantage. If knowing the number thirty entrant beforehand affects the unpredictable nature of the Rumble, WWE can instead have the stars take lots as usual to get the number thirty spot. Whichever way, everyone knows what winning the Rumble could do to their careers. That will be reason enough to have even the nastiest heels to comply with the GM and fight for their brand.
Additionally, creative can add more stipulations like the members of the winning team gets to pick their entry positions, once the number thirty spot has been taken. These kind of minor stories within the brand could help to add more twists and turns during the build up towards this years Royal Rumble.