Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: Trevor Lee Defends the X-Division Title in AAA

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Impact Wrestling has a global feeling as matches are shown from five different locations.

Impact Wrestling presented matches from all of their promotion venues throughout the show tonight.  This week’s Impact broadcast did an amazing job of building five different feuds while having them in separate locations.  The first was a rivalry between two promotions AAA and Impact Wrestling.  Two unlikely pairs battle in the heart of Mexico at the AAA promotion, who will get along well enough to gain the edge?

Ohio Versus Everything have been able to build their characters throughout their feud with the Latin American Xchange.  A very important injury was mentioned at a indy show last week.  As OVE begins to hit their stride as Impact Tag Team Champions, the run could be short lived.  Tonight, OVE defends their Tag Team Titles at Border City Wrestling in Canada.

About a month ago, Eddie Edwards made history when he became the GHC Champion.  He is now one of the faces of Pro Wrestling Noah.  On a night where Impact traveled the world, Edwards may have been in the match of the night with Naomichi Marufuji.  If there is one match to recommend from this show, this would be the one that is must see.

American Top Team started by getting in the head of Lashley and now they have made sure to play the psychological game with the Impact roster.  Moose and Stephon Bonner stepped up to fight and things continue to get more interesting week by week.  Also, Trevor Lee is on the road in Mexico to defend the X-Division Championship.  Tonight’s Impact Wrestling  show showcased the talent of several different wrestling rosters affiliated with the Impact brand.