Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: Trevor Lee Defends the X-Division Title in AAA

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5.  The Two Unlikely Teams are Forced to Get Along

The first match of the night is from Mexico at the AAA promotion.  James Storm and Ethan Carter III battle Texano and El Hijo de Fantasma.  There is an interesting dynamic in this match considering neither of these teams get along.  Both teams have had their differences in their respective promotions which ironically makes them similar.

EC3 and James Storm gain control early in the match even in enemy territory.  The veteran experience from both men doesn’t distract the Impact stars.  Fantasma fought back at a point in this match when Texano wasn’t even in the ring.  Texano takes some time out of the ring to get his bull rope which he would use on Storm in a way that no man can fight off.  No disqualification was ruled as this shifted the match into Texano and Fantasma’s favor.

Just as they take control, Texano stops the dive of Fantasma by pulling him out of the ring.  Fantasma would get his revenge but one would have to think that this will come back to haunt them.  It seemed like this match would be over after Fantasma’s package tombstone piledriver.  The egos of Texano and Fantasma cost them the match as James Storm ends it with a Last Call Superkick.  It seems like Storm and Carter took the advice of Eddie Edwards after their lack of communication lost them the match before.