Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: Trevor Lee Defends the X-Division Title in AAA

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1. Trevor Lee’s Character Grows With Every Passing Week

One of the biggest matches promoted from last week’s show was the X-Division Championship match.  Any segment with Trevor Lee talking has been a fantastic build to his character.  His comments on not being pictured anywhere was hilarious.  Also, his search for “El Promoter” to figure out who he is facing shows his sense of humor.  He has completely changed from the predominantly silent persona he has when he first came into Impact as a GFW infiltrator.

Trevor Lee goes against Ultimo Ninja who is the brother of Garza Jr.  Lee takes control early but the speed of Ninja catches Lee off guard.  Ninja has an array of aerial attacks and even a beautiful fake out suicide dive.  Lee fights his way back by using the referee as a human shield.  The champion plays to the crowd as he often does when back home in the Impact Zone.

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Ultimo Ninja once again gets back into the match by quickening the pace.  This style of offense has Lee on the ropes.  Lee fights off the potentially match ending moonsault and follows up with his signature double footstomp.  Trevor Lee successfully defends his X-Division Championship against Ultimo Ninja in Tijuana.