Emma’s time in WWE may have come to a close, and it may have ended on a whimper, but her legacy cannot be neglected.
You’ve certainly heard the news by now: Emma is gone from WWE. In a curt, two-line “statement” on WWE.com, the company announced her departure and wished her well.
I have been shaking my head so much since reading this news I can feel the vertebrae in my neck erode. The world of wrestling punditry is saddened by this turn of events, but depending on who you’re speaking to, it was either expected, an inevitability or an overall tragedy.
Personally, I find myself in the final camp. How WWE creative spent all these years with a talent of Emma’s caliber and be truly incapable of finding something to do is beyond me. Emma has incredible strengths that creative never seemed to want to cater to. Instead, she was pushed into roles that felt forced or did not play to her natural advantages. She can be added to the list (which seems to be getting longer) of WWE talent who are unable to properly shine under the confines of the overly-scripted and overbearing format of WWE television production.
So let’s pour one out for Emma’s WWE stint as we look at her best three matches while under the employment of Vince McMahon’s House Of Wham-Bang Brawling.