WWE Raw: Live Updating Results, Highlights, and Analysis for October 30

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Kurt Angle Addresses The Siege

One thing Kurt Angle is that most other authority figures haven’t been? Real. When was the last time you heard Stephanie McMahon apologize for anything? Kurt thinks that he’s to blame for the assault by SmackDown last week, so he owns up to it. Personally, I don’t think he’s at fault – he got hoodwinked by a sneaky McMahon. That’s what they do!

But anyway, as Angle tries to apologize to the roster assembled on the stage, he’s interrupted by the above mentioned Stephanie McMahon. Oh, boy, here it comes.

Stephanie is literally the polar opposite of Kurt Angle. Whereas Angle is actually a real human being, Stephanie is a caricature of the worst of humanity. “Oh, Kurt, stop being so depressing… Let me lighten the mood! We’re about to celebrate 25 amazing years of Raw! Yeah, I’m the best. But you, Kurt…” and so on and so forth.

Steph says that it takes 25 years to build a reputation, but only 20 seconds to lose it. Funny, because she spends about 20 minutes or so destroying every god thing Kurt has done as Raw GM since he took over in April. After tearing Kurt down and making the entire show about her once again, Stephanie names Angle himself the captain of the Survivor Series team. And if Kurt doesn’t get the job done – which, in Stephanie’s eyes, is total annihilation – he needs to find his replacement as GM.

You don’t need me to tell you that if Stephanie is back, the show immediately suffers from a creative standpoint. She is 100% the worst of the WWE authority figures for so many reasons I can’t even list them all here. Here’s to a month of terrible promos leading to Survivor Series!