WWE Raw: Live Updating Results, Highlights, and Analysis for October 30

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Boy, Kurt is in a Bad Mood…

As if the opening segment wasn’t bad enough, we come back from commercial to see Angle groveling as Stephanie gets in her limo to leave. Well, there’s one bonus – she’s gone for the night. But watching Kurt act like a lovesick puppy dog lost its appeal in about 2003.

When Steph leaves, Miz arrives with his Miztourage back at 100%. Man, it’s nice to see Bo Dallas again. Anyway, Kurt is super mad that Miz is late, and he snaps at him when Miz does Miz things. Angle doesn’t want anyone who’s selfish or a coward representing Raw at Survivor Series. So he puts Miz in an Intercontinental Title match later tonight.

And in a rare vindictive moment for the Olympic Hero, he won’t tell Miz who his challenger will be. Guess Stephanie is rubbing off on Kurt now, which boooooooooo.

Bayley vs. Nia Jax

Result: Nia Jax defeated Bayley via pinfall

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Hmm, less than twenty minutes into Raw, and we’re already getting the bait and switch? That could be a new record! This match was scheduled to be Bayley vs. Alicia Fox, but Foxy came down to the stage in full on captain mode. No, seriously. She had a ship captain’s hat, and made an announcement like she was an airline pilot. It’s probably the best representation of her “craziness” to date.

Anyway, Foxy says she’s got to take her captainly duties seriously. So clearly, she doesn’t have time for a match. But she found a suitable replacement – in Nia Jax, so that’s the match we get instead.

Unsurprisingly, this match is basically every other Bayley/Jax match rolled together into one. Jax uses her considerable power advantage to obliterate Bayley for the majority of the match, until Bayley uses her speed and quickness to make a comeback. We’ve seen it before, and I’m sure we’ll see it again.

In the end, it was all Nia, as she just quite literally ran over Bayley before felling her with the leg drop for a victory. After the match, Alicia makes Nia the first pick for Raw‘s Survivor Series match.

Before the new teammates can leave the ringside area, Samoa Joe’s music plays, and the submission specialist marches to the ring.