WWE Raw: Live Updating Results, Highlights, and Analysis for October 30

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Finn Balor vs. Cesaro (w/ Sheamus)

Result: Finn Balor defeated Cesaro via pinfall

Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

Last week we got to see AJ Styles tearing it up in the ring against the Swiss Cyborg. This week, Cesaro goes head to head with Balor, and once again, everyone rejoices. The sheer in-ring capabilities of both superstars is top rate, and not even terrible Booker T commentary can detract from my enjoyment of this one.

It was a nice slow build in this one – there wasn’t too much too soon, but the match was structured in such a way that Balor and Cesaro took their time getting to the big stuff. Sometimes that’s better than just all out insanity like you would see in a lot of other promotions. That’s not meant as a knock on the fast-paced action on the independent scene – I really enjoy that stuff, personally – but you can’t do 100 mph all the time. Sometimes you gotta relax, slow down, and enjoy the scenery.

Things did eventually pick up, as you would expect. Sheamus’s presence as a distraction was a bit annoying – mainly because Balor/Cesaro should be plenty good enough on its own. You don’t need anything else. I mean, Cesaro hitting a superplex on Balor with Finn still on the apron to start should be more than enough to sell someone on this match.

Finn was able to neutralize the Sheamus threat, taking both members of The Bar out with a tope con giro. Back in the ring, Balor hit Cesaro with a double stomp to the back of the neck – a Coup d’Etat, maybe? – for the victory. It wasn’t the barnburner one would have expected, but it was a perfectly fine match.

As Balor retreated up the ramp, Kane made his way to the ring. Finn launched a pre-emptive attack as retribution for last week’s loss, but Kane quickly got the upper hand. Finn’s night took a turn for the worse as The big Red Machine hit a (very sloppy looking) Tombstone Piledriver on the stage. Kane’s opponent for the night, Seth Rollins, made his way through the crowd for the match.