WWE Raw: Live Updating Results, Highlights, and Analysis for October 30

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Kane vs. Seth Rollins (w/ Dean Ambrose)

Result: Kane defeated Seth Rollins via pinfall

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

This was an overbooked mess from top to bottom. One good thing that has helped Raw of late – mainly the past two weeks – is the excellent flow from segment to segment. (This was pointed out by Ryan Dilbert of Bleacher Report.) But even that couldn’t save this debacle.

First off, Cesaro and Sheamus hung around ringside for the match. It was only going to be a matter of time before Chekhov’s Bar would come into play during the match, so you almost want it to happen right away to get it over with. But instead, it takes until the final sequence to pay that off.

Then, you still have the reality that it’s 2017 and Kane is a monster above all others once again. Rollins is one half of the tag team champions, but here he is playing feeder to a mayoral candidate. I guess that Balor and Rollins have more in common than just the Sling Blade, huh?

Rollins and his lame suicide dives are back, as well – we had a good run for a couple of weeks where they had looked pretty good, but tonight they were wet noodles again. Dean Ambrose playing cheerleader was kind of silly, but believe it or not that fits his character so well that I didn’t mind.

But Rollins was victim to standing up for his friend, partner, and brother after The Bar attacked. Once Rollins saved Ambrose, he tried attacking Kane with the Flying Nothing, and fell victim to a chokeslam and a loss.

After the match, Kane ate a Dirty Deeds from Ambrose, but sat right up and hit the Lunatic Fringe with a Tombstone. Because it’s 2017, and Kane is the most powerful superstar on the roster. Okay.

Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter


First, Daniel Bryan got carried away via stretcher. I can’t believe that it took an entire commercial break and match for the paramedics to get a guy with a history of head and neck injuries carried out of the building.

Then, The Miz and his Miztourage went to celebrate the victory earlier tonight. But Miz’s locker room stunk, and Axel found a bag of garbage in the middle of the floor. Miz took this to mean that Braun Strowman was back, and Bo and Axel tried to calm him down. The bigger question: Did anyone get Bo his lobster bib?

Miz tracked down Kane to try and get the big man’s help – just in case. But Kane – despite telling Miz that Strowman would know where to find him – tells The A-Lister that he’s on his own.