It’s the bar conversation every wrestling fan has had. It’s a subject that’s been passionately debated among the Internet wrestling community over the past few weeks. Who belongs on the Mount Rushmore of wrestling?
When Ric Flair decided to post a photo depicting his Mount Rushmore of wrestling, he sent fans into a frenzy. He included “Stone Cold” Steve Austin in “the lead” alongside himself, The Rock and Hulk Hogan. Did he leave anyone out? Was there someone on his list that didn’t deserve to be there? What exactly is the true wrestling Rushmore?
We got together and tried to answer that question.
Truth be told, this isn’t a math equation that needs to be solved. It can’t be. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there was only a small amount of consensus, but it wouldn’t be as fun if there were. Isn’t that the beauty of this never-ending conversation?
Everyone views wrestling in a different way; some place more importance on in-ring work while others focus more on crowd reaction and sustainability. Each fan’s list is a reflection of their own personal preferences and is shaped by the lens through which they view sports entertainment.
Let the debate begin, and continue, forever.