WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for November 6

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Miz TV with the GM

It didn’t take long for the UK crowd to get their chants in. It’s kind of their gimmick, you know? But “Who’s your daddy?” chants? Eh. Since it came from The Miz addressing Baron Corbin about their Survivor Series match, I’ll let it slide. Especially because it seems like Miz and Corbin are the only champions actually trying to build to their Survivor Series match. And Miz’s promo was absolutely great, so overall it’s a plus for this segment.

Then Miz pivots and brings out his guest for Miz TV – Kurt Angle. It’s all just a way to build to Survivor Series, and it takes a lot longer than it should. There’s a bunch of “Lets check out the video!” spots here. As if Raw wasn’t repetitive enough, we get to watch the original over and over instead of just lame copies of the original.

The only real notable part of this episode of Miz TV was Kurt referring to SmackDown as the B-show. Ooh, them’s fighting words, Angle! This brings up the siege again, and Miz says he thinks SmackDown may be preparing another one after Daniel Bryan was assaulted by Kane last week.

Eventually, things come around to “Kurt is trying to take out Miz and the Miztourage” as expected. Because Miz believes Angle intended for Strowman to attack them all last week. And poor Curtis Axel is out there doing his best Joel Gertner impression to sell the beating. Angle says he had nothing to do with it, and his putting Strowman on the Survivor Series team was unrelated.

But Strowman did negotiate one thing in return for joining Team Raw: a match with The Miz, which will happen later tonight.