WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for November 6

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Braun Strowman vs. The Miz (w/ Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel)

Result: Braun Strowman defeated The Miz via disqualification

Rating: 2.75 out of 5 stars

I have one simple request: If Raw is going to be three hours, can we fill that time with something other than the same video packages two, three, or four times? I get it, the production team is great at making these video recaps. Sometimes they are the best part of the show! But watching the exact same thing over and over again really makes watching a three hour Raw seem like a chore.

When everything finally gets going again, it’s great. Why wouldn’t it be? Strowman and The Miz are two of the best, most consistent performers on Raw week in and week out. Everything about this was great. Starting with The Miz’s entrance, where he was much less cocky and arrogant than usual, going into the attempted mind games by The Miztourage, it was almost the perfect story.

Watching Strowman just rag doll the Intercontinental Champion was fun and all, but why not just make this a title match if the finish was going to be a DQ? I’m pretty sure we all know how I feel about champions losing non-title matches – just put the championship on the line and have the DQ end it.

The sequence with Kane and Strowman was interesting, but I’m not necessarily thrilled about where it’s going. The obvious thing is Kane putting Strowman over, but who knows if WWE will do the obvious thing? Still, it’s a great display of strength and power from both monsters, and Strowman putting the exclamation point on The Miz at the end was a great cherry on top of the whole thing.

Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

The Shield Address Their Upcoming Title Defense

This was two minutes of weird, shoehorned in references to England, Rollins acting as a real “Be A Star” babyface, and Renee Young doing the Shield pose. So, overall, it was good? I’m sorry, I just don’t even have the words for this. Just get in the ring and wrestle.