Impact Wrestling 5 Takeways: Fight All Over Canada

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2. Allie Could be at the Peak of Her Character Development

When Allie arrived in Impact Wrestling, she was the assistant to Maria Kanelis.  She was noted as an inexperienced wrestler although the fans know differently.  Throughout the previous months, she has been able to work on her wrestling as her character continues to develop.

Tonight, she battled Casey Spinelli in Border City Wrestling.  Allie started out the match in her usually jolly fashion but a show of disrespect would turn her attitude.  Spinelli would jump on Allie early in the match continuing her disrespect.  Allie shows her frustration and it fires her up.  Early on, Spinelli had the advantage but her overconfidence got the best of her multiple times.  Spinelli showed her athleticism and power in the ring but the defense  of Allie looked to turn the tide.  Allie feeds off the crowd in Canada and comes back to win this match against Casey Spinelli who didn’t give up easily.

Allie has shown gradual improvement with her work in the ring.  What fans must remember is the continuity with the storytelling and her character.  Impact fans didn’t get to see all that Allie can do but the small sample size is perfect for her character at the moment.  Allie continues to show a larger sample size in every passing match.  She could be almost at her peak but I think there’s still more development to go before she can be herself since she is awesome at this character.