WWE NXT: Four Takeaways From The Final Show Before War Games

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Via WWE.com

Who Is Lars Sullivan And Someone Tweak His Moveset

The next match of the night featured Lars Sullivan tearing off a cruiserweight’s leg and beating him to death with it. A bit of an exaggeration, but not far off the mark. Someone in the back must really not like Raul Mendoza, because he drew the short straw of the night by facing off against the imposing Sullivan. The match went exactly like you might think. Mendoza used his speed to keep himself in the fight for about a minute and a half and then Lars got his hands on him and skipped rope with his entrails.

Lars Sullivan is a complete mystery to me. What is he trying to be? Less charismatic Snitsky? Because that’s what he looks and wrestles like. He has great size and build and definitely has the intimidation factor down. But he can be an absolute misery to watch in the ring. And before anyone roasts me about internet darlings, watch Braun Strowman or Heavy Machinery compete.

You can be intimidating and physically impressive and imposing without moving like the Great Khali. Sullivan’s two Stinger Splashes in the corner were well executed but someone please explain to me what that finisher is. He deadlifts a guy off the mat by the waist and kind of falls down on them. Like a Rock Bottom being done by a junior high football player that’s only ever seen the move performed once. An impressive feat of strength but an incredibly awkward looking move.

It’s called The Freak Accident and it sure looks like one. I suppose they’ve got me there. Ranting aside, we had a staredown after the match between Sullivan and his NXT Takeover: WarGames opponent Kassius Ohno, who’s done a big pile of nothing since his return aside from scoring a catchy new theme song. There was little to suggest that Ohno has a snowball’s chance in hell of beating Sullivan but stranger things have happened. Perhaps they should reinstate the Keg Carry contest.