WWE Survivor Series 2017: 5 Things Creative Could Have Done

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WWE Survivor Series 2017 is in the bags, with much to nitpick and complain. Here are five things creative could have done differently to make the event better.

WWE Survivor Series was a roller-coaster ride that reached its peak too soon and fell flat at the very end. The show opened with the Shield taking on the New Day in the night’s first match. Some might complain that it didn’t live up to its capabilities. Perhaps the stars were angry about starting so early in the night. However, the fact that this match started so early could have been a means to have them feature in the show later on.

But as we know, this never came to fruition. The Champion Vs Champion matches all fell flat. Everything was good but nothing was great. Until the Phenomenal One AJ Styles took to the ring that is. Styles brought out the best in the Beast and the result was an entertaining outing from Lesnar in ages. People have been praising Lesnar Vs Punk as one of his best matches since his return. However, I would personally place this match above it. It was that damn good.

The Women’s elimination match came with its own botches but nevertheless it was entertaining and Asuka being the sole survivor was the right call. However, the same could not be said about the Men’s elimination match. Braun Strowman survived. But that was just about it. WWE dropped the ball with its next generation of stars and as a result the veteran wrestlers of a bygone era stood tall throughout the main event.

That lead me to come up with this post where I suggest five ways they could have turned things around. The same results and booking methods are kept but with a few differences. What changes would this list bring? Let’s find out.