WWE Raw 5 Biggest Stars: The Coronation Of Roman Reigns
By Tom Thomas
4. Braun Strowman
Yes, Strowman was overpowered and beaten up by an ageing, out of shape, veteran Kane. But you just can’t deny Strowman was a real star last night. The way he sold Kane’s attacks tells you about the kind of gifted performer Braun Strowman really is. He showed us he can sell an offence just as well as he normally no-sells them. Who else was impressed by the way Strowman sold Kane’s chair attack to this throat?
However, it was the events prior to this that ensured Strowman’s place on this list. Throughout the entire night Braun was being labelled as the unstoppable monster he really is. First, when Triple H backed out from the ring without uttering a single word upon coming face to face the Monster Among Men was just priceless. The look on Jordan and Angle’s face upon hearing Jordan would face Strowman later was enough to tell you how bad it is.
There was also a segment where Jordan was seen talking to Matt Hardy who said despite his many years in the ring, he has never battled somebody like Strowman. Creative kept finding ways to get Strowman over even in a beat down. Sadly, his never-ending feud with Kane isn’t something to look forward to. Unless Braun does something more impressive than destroying the ring or breaking a steel cage.