WWE: 3 Reasons Why NXT Stars Have Trouble Getting Over on Main Roster

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Reliance on the Past

I am one of those who can be very vocal about talent such as Brock Lesnar.  The company has been locked onto the part time talent mainly to fill stadiums and boost ratings.  This goes hand in hand as well in terms of bad booking.

Lesnar is this unstoppable monster, who fans and Vince can’t get enough of.  If there was anyone that had a chance to dethrone the Beast Incarnate this year, it was Braun Strowman.  Strowman had the numbers of those such as Roman Reigns.  Strowman was the new generation’s answer to ultimately put down the Beast.  However, it didn’t happen and we still have a Universal Champion who shows up below ten times a year.  Yawn.

What I’m saying is that, there should be more opportunities for the current, young talent to prove their worth onto the main roster.  But for every John Cena and Triple H, it could have been someone who desperately needs the opportunity to build on to their legacy in the company.  For example, the main event for Survivor Series had equal part time veterans versus the current talent.  Thank goodness for Owens and Zayn, right?

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There are so much good, but incredibly noticeable flaws that can improve for the NXT alumni.  It has been better this year versus other years, let’s give it that.  While injuries can happen at any time and there’s no prediction in that, the reasons of booking and relying on older talents can certainly be amended.  There is no denying the depth of talent the company has.  It’s just a matter of giving them the time and concentration they deserve.  And that is what fans ultimately want