Pros and Cons of NJPW’s ‘Big 4’ Wrestlers

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Credit: NJPW1972 Twitter

Pro: The Face of the Company

Wrestling fans often scrutinise the promotional tactics involved with dubbing a performer the ‘face of the company.’ Most recently, Roman Reigns’ casting in this role has been soundly rejected by the vocal WWE fanbase. This is mostly because they’re pining for something new after a painstakingly-long John Cena era, where Cena solely occupied the top spot with no real room for another top star.

A major gripe with Reigns has been that while he is talented, he has not performed to the level expected of the crown jewel of the company. The same cannot be said for Kazuchika Okada. Whatever opportunities he has been gifted by New Japan, he has returned their investment threefold. Currently in the midst of the longest IWGP Heavyweight Championship run in history, Okada’s matches and charisma make him a smart choice for face of the company.

As a promotional tactic, focusing your booking and marketing around one top draw can be done well. Okada is now entering a program with the third of the other ‘Big 4’ stars, Tetsuya Naito, after having had incredible rivalries with both Tanahashi and Omega. The youngest of the ‘Big 4’, Okada continues to make NJPW look incredibly savvy for having hitched their wagon to The Rainmaker.