Pros and Cons of NJPW’s ‘Big 4’ Wrestlers

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Credit: NJPW Twitter

Pro: Four Is Better Than One

While Okada is the out-and-out face of the company, it is a testament to NJPW’s booking that they have allowed three other stars to establish themselves, or in Tanahashi’s case, remain relevant.

Gearing your resources towards having a bonafide centrepiece can often derail the momentum of those around him. It is true that in each of Tanahashi, Omega and Naito’s most recent IWGP Heavyweight Championship bouts, they fell to Okada. Yet somehow, their star power has not been erased, but rather has grown even more.

The benefits of having money draws outside of your top guy are vast, not least because of the insurance policy it offers the promoters. Okada has proved to be remarkably robust, but should he ever be taken off shows through injury or outside interest, there are three men ready to fill that void.

More importantly, those who aren’t vibing with The Rainmaker can get behind Tana, Naito or Omega, and know that they won’t be suffocated in a promotion that favours their main man. By rights, Okada should cast an enormous shadow over the NJPW locker room. Yet somehow, a system has emerged where Okada remains only the centrepiece of a promotion that remains much bigger than The Rainmaker himself.