Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: Dan Lambert Wants to End Impact

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X-Division Showcase Gives Way to More Contenders

Caleb Konley opens up with a match against Taiji Ishimori.  Last week, Ishimori was attacked by  Konley and Lee after his match with Hakim Zayn.  There has been bad blood between Ishimori and the Cult of Lee over the last few weeks.  Ishimori has his work cut out for him with Trevor Lee on the outside to support Caleb Konley

This match started out quite technical but then Ishimori took control with his rapid offense.  Trevor Lee tried to get involved early in the match but Ishimori had it scouted.  The lessons learned from Lee pay off as Konley takes control using some dirty tactics in the corner.  This wasn’t the end of the foul play as Lee attacked Ishimori outside of the ring.  Ishimori finds his way into a Gory Bomb which Konley would transition into an inverted boston crab.  As Konley looks like he’s taken control, Ishimori reverses his cutter.  Ishimori ends the match with his 450 splash gaining a little bit of retribution.

After the match, Trevor Lee attacks Ishimori and Conley begins to aid his partner.  As they look to get one over on Taiji Ishimori, Dezmond Xavier evens the odds.  Xavier runs off the Cult of Lee setting up a potential title match for Taiji Ishimori and Trevor Lee as the rivalry continues to build.  That begs the question, where will Dezmond Xavier will fit into this?  He won the Super X Cup and earned an opportunity for Bound for Glory but never was given a singles title match.