Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: Dan Lambert Wants to End Impact

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Who Joins Laurel Van Ness in the Finals of the Knockout’s Championship Tournament?

Rosemary, Sienna, and Allie have an opportunity to join the finals to determine a new Knockout’s Champion.  All three of these women have history together setting this up to be an amazing match.  Sienna always had ill will toward Allie and Rosemary came to her aid.  Rosemary and Sienna have battled Six Sides of Steel in the past too so these women are no strangers.

Allie and Rosemary work together to try and take out Sienna early in this match.  Instead, Sienna fights off them both in a variety of ways.  Sienna was always one of the women in the ring during this match which is exactly where she wanted to be.  She would take out Rosemary then make Allie pay.  Sienna looks like the aggressor early in this match as she looks to reclaim her title.

As the match continues to develop, it comes down to Rosemary and Allie after  dual submission.  Allie takes the fight right to Rosemary which is something fans didn’t see when she first came in.  Sienna is taken out again by Rosemary and Allie as the two are left in the ring alone again.  Allie looked to set up Rosemary for the jumping face buster but Rosemary reverses it.  Rosemary defeats Allie courtesy of the Red Wedding to advance to the finals.  It is amazing the change in Allie’s character.  She is now beginning to reach her full potential in the ring and it could be seen in this match.  It has been a gradual change but logically it was worth it and she could be a Knockout of the future with the way she looked in this match.