Predicting five bold, and possibly a little outlandish, predictions for Sunday’s WWE Clash of Champions 2017 pay per view.
WWE Clash of Champions 2017 will not only be the final pay per view of the year, but it will also begin to the set the stage for what is possibly the WWE’s most influential event, the Royal Rumble. Each year, the results of the Rumble have major implications for the impending WrestleMania which in turn sets up what will transpire for a good portion of the rest of the year. So Sunday’s show may, on paper at least, may not seem as important as next months Rumble, but with all the potential variables that are in play, Sunday could change the landscape for the brand that’s producing it, SmackDown Live.
Will Daniel Bryan turn heel and assist Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn? Or will Shane McMahon do exactly that? Will AJ Styles leave Sunday as champion and set up a potential mega-match at Wrestlemania with Shinsuke Nakamura? Or will we all be subjected to another abysmal Jinder Mahal title reign? Will Breezango get some answers? Will Dolph Ziggler once again play second and third fiddle to his opponents? There are a ton of question marks involved, meaning the Clash should be a lot of fun.
But let’s think outside the box a bit. Maybe take a shot at some ideas that may be a little be a little bit of a reach, but fun at the same time. Ahead are five bold predictions for Clash of Champions.